Day: February 28, 2018

Speaking in Accents & the American Ethnocentrism in Video Games

“Voice acting has become a staple in gaming that helps flesh out characters and setting…The cultural politics that voice acting implies, however, often escape analysis. The default English accent is General American and deviations from this tap into a subtext that assumes an American player. How accents communicate information to the player exposes the subliminal effects of American ethnocentrism.” Mattie Brice, Pop Matters

Corporate Vandals

“Inspired by observing the ongoing battle between corporations & street culture, Corporate Vandals pits corporate vandals and the city against indies and their activist allies. Corporate Vandals is a fast paced sticker turf warfare game using physical stickers on boards to spread your brand across the city of East Fulton (aka Beatdown City).” About Corporate Vandals, IndieCade