“So the question is: How do good game designers manage to get new players to learn long, complex, and difficult games? The answer, I believe, is this: the designers of many good games have hit on profoundly good methods of getting people to learn and to enjoy learning. They have had to, since games that were bad at getting themselves learned didn’t get played and the companies that made them lost money. Furthermore, it turns out that these learning methods are similar in many respects to cutting-edge principles being discovered in research on human learning. … Good game designers are practical theoreticians of learning, since what makes games deep is that players are exercising their learning muscles, though often without knowing it and without having to pay overt attention to the matter” (Gee 5).

#GameStudies101 Selection:

This is the 1st reading of the UW-Madison course Videogames & Learning, I think it’s pretty nice read #gamestudies101

— Sean Seyler (@spseyler) March 23, 2015

Work Cited:
Gee, James Paul. “Learning by Design: good video games as learning machines.” E-Learning and digital media 2.1 (March 2005):5-16. SAGE journals. Web. 29 Sep 2015.